Feb 062006

I love the smell of sawdust in the morning. It smells like…cabinet making.
I have form!!! I have glued the base and top sections into the sides. It looks like a real arcade cabinet cab is actually starting to take shape. I am more inspired than ever. I’m finding that there are no true measurements any more. It is now measurements like 5/16’s not 1/4 or 1/2. Once you have enough things that are just a smidge too long or short, it adds up over time. I glued on the rails for the kick plate this morning. I also glued a guide on the actual kick plate itself. Tomorrow morning I will glue the kick plate to the cab. My only issue is that the left side of the kick plate is a smidge above the Control panel shelf while the right side is just under. Looks like I will need to get crafty with the router.


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