Feb 142014

Well, after a lot of work, and a lot of frustration (which comes from learning tons of new stuff (actually a good thing once you get through it ;0) ), I have the Shapeoko cutting. The bolt is meandering so to speak.This is the Hello World for cutting. The wiki suggested doing an initial, I chose to do my full name so I had something to put on my desk at work. Also, it suggested doing a pocket cut of the initial. Probably bad form for jumping out of the crib too fast, but I wanted to try pocketed Island cut. I used the NASA lettering as my guide. While this is great for some letters, I am not too keen on the K, but I can not blame the machine for that. I only blame the font. Anyhoo, This is the first cut off my Shapeoko. I am more than pleased. It was an odd experience. While it was running was watching with amazement at how precise it was. But the most common phrases while watching the cut were “but what about the..” , or “but there’s still a…” and then “Oh… I see”. Now I can focus on just making stuff. High on the priority list is cutting out my own upgrades. You know build a machine to build a machine.
So, here is the the video of my first cut. I know I know… yet another first cut video, but hey, I am a proud new parent, so I wanna hoot and holler for a while. 😀
I faded out the audio so you didn’t have to hear the whine the whole time.

 Posted by at 4:13 am

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