Jan 162006


The Build Begins…

I started the actual build. It was a bit humbling. I had help getting the big pieces cut out, but have been going solo ever since. Today I learned how to rip a sheet of wood right down the center. I guess it is the nature of MDF to split so easily. Back to the saw and had to cut some more pieces. Part of me is thinking that I should be building the base out of ply.

I am taking a couple of ideas from my Taito QIX cabinet. I am going to run a channel down both side pieces of the cabinet. It will be 1/4 in deep. Then when it is joined with the base I should get extra strength due to the extra contact, and it should be square (assuming my channel is square). I will also be channeling the top piece. I will have L brackets in place as well for extra strength.

I have watched so many people on the BYOAC board build these cabinets and I keep wondering how it could take so long. Well, know I know. I thought I would breeze through a lot of this. But I am seeing that it will not be a quick process. I was hoping to have much more completed by the end of the weekend.

The idea here is that this thing will probably weight quite a lot (3 sheets of MDF). The base is ¾ in. thick. I am using swivel wheels on the front and straight locked wheels on the back. At the very back there is an angle cut out so that I can tip the cabinet back and push it around with the back 2 wheels if I need to without tearing up the MDF. Once I found out how much space the swivel wheels needed, I attached braces through out the base. The braces were glued, and then screwed down for extra support. The screws were countersunk, covered with wood putty, and then sanded smooth.



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